Mon-Frid 8am to 4pm
(506) 8602-6019


Surfside’s Asada participates in the Sanitary Quality Program of AyA and the National Water Laboratory, with the aim of optimizing the management of water resources, through maintenance and improvements in the structures of water systems, involving the community in environmental activities that benefit the quality of the service and the adequate supply of water, promoting actions for the protection of water sources, applying the adequate disinfection, carrying out operational controls of chlorine levels, turbidity, water analysis, well levels, consumption, and a strict control of water quality, in compliance with the Potable Water Quality Regulation, as well as identifying the degree of health risk and vulnerability of structures, performing maintenance on tanks, networks, structures, and so.

The Asada has a rating of 4 white stars, 2 golds and 1 blue.